Sisters On The Town
As a professional matchmaker who went pro 17 years ago, my best advice for jump-starting your dating life is to get out there! I encourage socializing in a variety of ways. Going out on the town with your female partners in crime can be a fun way to collect men, feel like you are back in the game, and it increases your chances of meeting someone great. If nothing else you can practice your social skills, share war stories and have a super fun evening. Here are some tips for happy hunting!
Choose the right venue:
Plan to meet up at a fun restaurant that has a bar scene and attracts upscale, professional men. Steak restaurants are usually packed with tons of guys in big groups. Try to keep the girl group to 4 max- it’s easier to score a table and too many women can be intimidating.
Get there earlier than your friends:
Tell your friends that you will meet them at the bar. Order a drink and scope out the crowd. There might be a cute guy who is waiting for his friends, and one on one is always more comfortable when you are trying to put yourself out there (two friends of mine met great guys this way)!
Make eye contact:
If you see a cute guy, look his way, catch his eye and smile. If you are standing next to him, make flirty cutesy small talk. Ask him if he’s ever eaten here before, if he lives close by etc. (anything to start a conversation). Be confident and engaging but never aggressive.
Try to get a table if the crowd looks good:
It will be fun sitting with your friends and there’s a good chance you will be seated next to a group of guys (you can request that with the hostess)! It is a surefire way to kick start your dating life (trust me)!