Palm Beach News – Straight from the Heart
As a young woman growing up in New York, Lisa Ronis imagined a career as an executive in the fashion world. She had brains, talent, boundless energy and an outgoing per-sonality that attracted a large circle of friends. She was living the Man¬hattan single lifestyle, which became the sub¬ject Of a decade of tele-vision shows, including Sex and the City and The Millionaire Matchmaker.
She spent her days as an executive in the high fashion industry and her free time fixing friends up on dates. These matches often led to long-term relationships and marriage.
When Internet dating became trendy, she thought it would answer every single’s prayers. But it was just the opposite. Her friends began to regale her with a litany of nightmare dates. They came to her for help.
She decided to turn her natural talent for matchmaking into a full-time business. Her website is lisaronismatch making.com.
Today, after 15 years, Ronis is one of a handful of high-end headhunters for the heart where clients pay thousands of dollars to meet someone who wants to find a serious relationship that will lead to marriage. Although most of her business is on the East Coast, she also has clients from Europe and Asia. She divides her time between Manhattan and Palm Beach with detours to hot spots such as St. Bart’s, Paris and the Hamptons.
Although no two clients are alike, the common denominator seems to be lifestyle. There has to be a certain level of sophistication such as an interest in culture, arts and travel.
Ronis says men are more visual. They want thin, pretty women with careers. Women will forgo looks for want a man who is smart and ambitious, she says.
“I guess I became a matchmaker very naturally because I love people, and I am very social,” Ronis said. “I love bringing people together, and I also love feeding people. My mom was a great teacher in all aspects of my life. She is also an amazing cook, so I have her to thank.”