As Seen in the NY Times: Singles Have to Think Outside the Screen
Matchmakers are seeing higher demand for advice and coaching services now that drinks and dinner are on hold.
…As singles are stuck at home and social distancing makes traditional dating all but impossible, the coaching skills of matchmakers, now imparted online, are becoming more valuable.
“People are really clear at this point that investing in themselves is one of the best things to do with all the free time they have, so we’ve gotten an influx of new clients,” Mr. Ice said. “They want help with online dating and romantic skill building, to be used now or later.”
Dating hasn’t decreased because of the coronavirus, he added. “It has actually increased. But the method has shifted, logically, online.”

“Dating has changed during the pandemic, and now may be the time to really get to know someone on a more personal level,” said Lisa Ronis, who coaches clients in New York and South Florida.”
Ms. Ronis: Take your conversation to a personal level.
In the past, a brief phone call before an in-person meeting would have sufficed. But dating has changed during the pandemic, and now may be the time to really get to know someone on a more personal level during that first call after connecting. You can see how that person is handling today’s stresses and ask personal questions.
Read the full article here.